mardi 26 mai 2009

Comment manipuler le WBFS sous *NUX ? (solution 2)

Source : GBATemp

after 3 days of work, I think I've finished a FUSE module for WBFS.
I release the first version as a beta, because I need betatesters, it's barely tested.

It should look something like this:

The file images are stored on a WBFS partition, but they are not managed as a wii image by the current managers (at least the first wbfs implementation does not care about it).

- Integration with all the file managers in linux (VFS ext provided by FUSE).
- You can use a wbfs partition as generic storage.
- You can change file names and Name and IDs of the Wii images (this can be done by renaming to ID|Name, ie: R64P01|Wii Music for casual gamers).
- You can view the total and free space available on device.
- Lets you scrub the images copied to the drive (-s option).
- Full 64 bits support (x86_64).

- Slow write operations (due to manage full sized iso's).

$ ./wbfuse /dev/sdXy mount_point [options]
-g :Enable image scrubbing keeping only game partition.
-n : Disable image scrubbing.
Scrubbing enabled keeping all partitions is the default option.

Renaming commands:
Change ID and/or name: Rename to "ABCDEF|Name of the game" (without quotes)
Scrub a image previously written to the partition: Rename to "scrub" (without quotes)

Warning: WBFS has a limit on the number of files than can be written to a partititon, but it grows as the partition size. IE: for a partition of 5GB, the number of files is limited to 215.

Enjoy it, and report bugs as you can (source will be released as well).


Download v0.8.2b precompiled binaries (32bit)
Download v0.8.2b precompiled binaries (64bit)
Download 0.8.2b (source)

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